
We will help you with your problems. We are here for you.

Young Adults today face an ever-growing number of challenges. From exams and deadlines to the lure of the internet, adolescents have all kinds of pressures to deal with. If left to spiral, these can result in them suffering from depression, stress-related conditions, low self-esteem, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and relational difficulties.

It is estimated that less than a third of children under 18 with a psychological problem receive any help, but therapy is often a very successful option for teens and adolescents who are not coping. Counselling for teenagers uses all the same principles of adult therapy but is underpinned by strategies from developmental psychology.

If you have a teenager who is showing some of these typical signs of adolescent psychological problems, then counselling could help:

Difficulty in coping with daily life
Excessive worrying
Extended period of depression and lethargy
Noticeable changes in eating
Disturbed sleeping patterns
References to suicide or self-harm
Apparent changes in personality
Volatile mood
Drug/alcohol misuse
Pronounced demonstrations of aggression
I understand that adolescence can be a stressful time in your life. At Ego Therapy Ltd, I have years of experience helping adolescents and young adults deal with stress, anxiety and low self esteem.